Thursday, April 26, 2012

César Vallejo - Confidence in glasses, not in the eye…Transl. Clayton Eshleman, 
Confidence in the glasses, not in the eye; in the staircase, never in the step; in the wing, not in the bird and in yourself alone, in yourself alone, in yourself alone. Confidence in wickedness, not in the wicked; in the glass, but never in the liquor; in the corpse, not in the man and in yourself alone, in yourself alone, in yourself alone. Confidence in many, but no longer in one; in the riverbed, never the current; in pants, not in legs and in yourself alone, in yourself alone, in yourself alone. Confidence in the window, not in the door; in the mother, but not in the nine months; in destiny, not in the gold die, and in yourself alone, in yourself alone, in yourself alone.